Disable Useless Services Windows 10

Disable Useless Services Windows 10

Black Vipers Windows 1. Service Configurations Black Viper. Installation Of Type B Gas Vent Pipe. Introduction. To continue my fine tradition of optimizing MSs latest OS, I have here my service configuration findings. This information is based upon the Windows 1. Creators Update version 1. April 1. 1, 2. 01. Guide Which Windows 10 Services are Safe to Disable This tutorial is the 5th addition to our exclusive Which Windows services are safe to disable series. In. Windows 10 Home has less installed default services than Windows 10 Pro does. Do not disable. Windows Biometric Service WbioSrvc Manual Trigger Start Manual. Speed Up Windows 10 Master Tutorial to Make Windows 10 Super Fast. Sandeep Yadav October 8. Disable Unnecessary Services to Speed up Windows 10. How to disable useless services and file and printer sharing in Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8. Turn Off Unnecessary Windows Services. To turn off services in windows you go to. Service Disable this useless service for. Important Information. My focus is on Windows 1. Home and Pro 6. 4 bit versions to provide as much information to the widest audience possible. All of these services are Standard with Windows 1. Microsoft since the initial retail version, or with the AddRemove Windows Features control panel. If you discover a service that is not listed here, another application, driver or program installed them. Make sure that your system is up to date. This tutorial outlines how to disable system services in Windows 10. You can permanently disable system other services via System Configuration dialog box. Disable-Useless-Services-That-Cause-a-Slow-Computer-Step-7.jpg/aid1211713-v4-728px-Disable-Useless-Services-That-Cause-a-Slow-Computer-Step-7.jpg' alt='Disable Useless Services Windows 10' title='Disable Useless Services Windows 10' />This information assumes the latest version of Windows 1. Hit Start Settings Update Security Check nowInstall now. Confirm your OS version information by doing the following. Hit Start Settings System About and look for Edition Home or Pro Version 1. OS Build 1. 50. 63. System type of 3. Adjust the settings on this page by doing one of the following Search for Services from the task bar. You are looking for the link that is Services Desktop App. Fire up the Run box Windows Key R and type services. Do not use msconfig. Open up the Administrative Tools either by searching from the task bar or using the legacy Control Panel. The link you are looking for in the Administrative Tools is Services. Power. Shell Script One click adjustments of service settings that were previously done with my registry files and online Custom Services Registry Creation Tools are now adjustable using madbomb. You can find it here https github. Black. Viper. Script. Instructions and further information is located at the links above. Any issues and related questions should be sent to the developer directly. Any questions related to the service settings, please Contact BV and let me know. Before disabling any service, do a sanity check and think before acting. See also the notes for tabletmobile devices below. WLAN Autoconfig service is required for normal operation of your wireless network card. It is listed here as Manual due to most desktops not needing wireless Wi. Fi access, but if you do have a wireless network card installed laptop, it will be Automatic by default. I cannot possibly test all possible configurations extensively What I mean by this is each persons specific computer needs as we all should know by now that everyone uses their computer for different tasks. What I can offer is what works for me and the obstacles I have come across so you do not have to discover them on your own. If you discover a service is required for a particular task, please Contact BV and let me know. The columns can be sorted and individually hidden. Select the column header to sort by that field andor use the column hiding GUI directly above the table search box. I highly recommend using the column hiding feature to cut confusion associated with too much information and ignoring service settings not valid in your particular situation. Notes for Tablet, Surface and Surface Pro Windows 1. Users The Tweaked configuration assumes a desktop environment and in certain respects, a laptop, as I do not own any mobile device running Windows of any version for testing purposes and cannot extensively test the configurations on them to find out what breaks. I have viewed default service settings for Surface products by going into a local Best Buy retail store and taking pictures of the services with my phone. Seriously, I am not joking. I have discovered that the default settings are pretty close to a desktop configuration which means that many services targeted for mobile devices phones can be disabled on a desktop and most laptops, so Windows 1. Home or Pro is a pretty good start for default information, depending on the version of Windows 1. Do not configure your mobile device with Tweaked. Many services that are Tweaked for a desktop cannot be disabled on a mobile device. As such, no Tweaked configuration for a laptop will become available. Use Safe instead. If you still desire to adjust your service settings on a mobile device, a bit of thinking may be required to make sure complete functionality of the tablet after adjusting service settings. Do not disable obvious services related to touch screen or tablet actions. Example Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service. Services with in the name are computer specific with seemingly a random 5 digit code attached to the service name. Most cannot be adjusted via services. Service settings are global, meaning changes apply to all users. Services that changed from Anniversary Update to Creators Update include Connected Devices Platform User ServiceData. Collection. Publishing. Service is removed. Data Usage is new. Devices. FlowHyper V Virtual Machine Management is new. IP Translation Configuration Service is new. LPA Service is new. Natural Authentication is new. Optimize Drives changed from Manual to Disabled by default. Token Broker is new and default description is not available. Wi Fi Direct Services Connection Manager Service is new. Windows Defender Network Inspection Service renamed to Windows Defender Antivirus Network Inspection Service. Windows Defender Service renamed to Windows Defender Antivirus Service. Windows Defender Security Center Service is new. Windows Multi. Point Server Host Service renamed to Multi. Point Service. Windows Multi. Point Server Repair Service renamed to Multi. Point Repair Service. Table Header Information. The columns can be sorted. Select the column header to sort by that field. The columns can be hidden individually. The column hiding GUI is directly above the table search box in the upper right hand side. DEFAULT  What MS thinks should be running by default on Windows 1. Safe Configuration  This is the configurations, separated for desktops and laptoptablets that 9. This does not guarantee it will work for you, but if adjusting your services scares you, this configuration would be a good starting point. One should also take a moment and think about issues that may arise. Example if you use an Xbox and its game streaming capabilities, dont disable the three Xbox services as I have. Service settings that I changed from the default are annotated by an asterisk. Sorting the columns will help identify which services these are. Geolocation Service lfsvc After disabling this service and attempting to place it back into the default value Manual, an error will occur. In order to re enable the service, you must do the following. Manually delete the following regkey using regedit HKEYLOCALMACHINESYSTEMCurrent. Control. SetServiceslfsvcTrigger. Info3Tweaked Configuration  This is the configuration that a lot of gamers, geeks, audiophiles and power users enjoy using and ask me for. Even though I follow this configuration myself, this does not guarantee it will work for you. I generally do not answer my computer is broke, what is wrong questions from the users who choose to use this configuration. If this scares you, use Safe instead I have disabled IPv. If you have native IPv. If you are a home user, you do not need IPv. Home. Group or your ISP supports IPv. As such, native networks still have IPv. Tweaked is intentionally not available for a laptopmobile device as I have no way of testing the configurations.

Disable Useless Services Windows 10
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