Uninstall Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G

Uninstall Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G

Uninstall Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G' title='Uninstall Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G' />Installing Oracle instantclient basic and instantclient sqlplus on win. Sometimes basic things like installing the latest Oracle instantclient on the PCs of all of your developers can take considerable time. I typically setup a dedicated DBA Portal website wherever I work and then write up instructions for repetitive things like these. Its all about do it once and forget it. Heres the copy of the writeup I did to install the latest 1. Oracle instantclient basic and instantclient sqlplus on win. Download Software. Go to Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows 3. And download basic win. PC for example instantclient basic win. Create Oracle Directory. Create a C oracle directory on your C drive if you dont already have one and move both files into C oracle. Unzip both filesfirst unzip instantclient basic win. Win. Zip. Click Extract to here End result should be a new folder called instantclient1. C oracle Setup your system PATH and TNSADMIN variables. In Windows explorer LEFT pane, right click on My Computer icon and click Properties. Click Advanced tab. Click Environment variables button In the System Variables panel select Path variable and click Edit button In the Variable Value field paste the following C oracleinstantclient1. Make sure its before all other path values that point to your OLD Oracle clients, then click. Ok. Now find a variable called TNSADMIN it could be in either panel System User, if you dont have such variable, create it in the User panel by clicking New Variable Name TNSADMIN. Variable Value C oracleinstantclient1. Click Ok. Now click Ok on the Environment Variables screenand click Ok on the System Properties window to close it. Setup tnsnames. ora file. If you already have an existing copy of tnsnames. C oracleinstantclient1. If you dont then create a new tnsnames. XRACQMYSERVICETAF. DESCRIPTION. ADDRESS PROTOCOL TCPHOST vip qarac. PORT 1. 52. 1. ADDRESS PROTOCOL TCPHOST vip qarac. PORT 1. 52. 1. ADDRESS PROTOCOL TCPHOST vip qarac. PORT 1. 52. 1. ADDRESS PROTOCOL TCPHOST vip qarac. PORT 1. 52. 1. LOADBALANCE yes. Uninstall Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G' title='Uninstall Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G' />Rep2excel An Oracle Report to Excel Converter An easy, low cost way to output rich format excel report The Rep2excel. CONNECTDATA. SERVER DEDICATED. SERVICENAME XRACQMYSERVICETAF. FAILOVERMODE. TYPE SELECT. METHOD BASIC. RETRIES 1. DELAY 5. Test 1. InformationWeek. News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. How to install and configure Oracle 12c Release 1 in Windows 8 64 bit. This an Online Training video to demonstrate step by step methods to install Oracle. If you absolutely need to use Oracle 9i though, as others have pointed out, you should go with 10g at the very least, if not 11g, and you have the Windows 7. Steps to configure Oracle 11g Data Guard Physical Standby Active Data Guard PartI. Open a new CMD window by going to Start Run. In the Run Window type in cmd and press Ok in the CMD windows prompt enter the following sqlplus userpassTNSALIAS where user is the database username given to you by the DBA. DBA. TNSALIAS The alias you setup in the tnsnames. C sqlplus xxxxxxxxxxxXRACQMYSERVICETAF. SQLlus Release 1. Production on Wed Aug 2. Copyright c 1. 98. Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Database 1. Dealing with INVALID status of Oracle database components after upgrade to 12c 12. Device Software Update Utility Htc One M7 here. Enterprise Edition Release 1. Production. With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining. Real Application Testing options. Known Errors If you get the ORA 1. C sqlplus xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. SQLlus Release 1. Production on Wed Aug 2. Copyright c 1. 98. Oracle. All rights reserved. ORA 1. 27. 05 Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified. Enter user name. Heres the solution To fix the ORA 1. Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified error, go to your registry editor run regedit from Start Run and then Navigate to Windows Registry in HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREORACLERemove the NLSLANG from there select it and deleteRe run the sqlplus test to make sure it works you will need to open a new CMD window for the registry changes to take place. E18440_01/doc.111/e18415/img/gc_oc_dashboard.jpg' alt='Uninstall Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G' title='Uninstall Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G' />Bonus PDFIf youd like to get a copy of this article in an easy to share PDF please sign up for my newsletter Confessions of an Oracle DBA where I share tips, scripts and tricks Ive learned during almost two decades in the tech field as an Oracle DBA SUBSCRIBEAdditional Resources. If you have any additional questions please join our Oracle DBA Community and post them there. And if you need any further Oracle DBA help I can be reached at http www. End. Vitaliy Mogilevskiy August 2. Posted In Operations. Tags instantclient basic, instantclient sqlplus, oracle instant client, win.

Uninstall Oracle Enterprise Manager 11G
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