Planet Of The Apes Wiki

Planet Of The Apes Wiki

Planet of the Apes 1. Teaser Trailer, Planet of the Apes 1. Planet of the Apes is a 1. American science fiction film directed by Franklin J. Planet of the Apes is an American science fiction media franchise consisting of films, books, television series, comics, and other media about a world in which humans. Planet_of_the_Apes_%282001%29_poster.jpg' alt='Planet Of The Apes Wiki' title='Planet Of The Apes Wiki' />Schaffner. It stars Charlton Heston, Roddy Mc. Dowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans, James Whitmore, James Daly and Linda Harrison. The screenplay by Michael Wilson and Rod Serling was loosely based on the 1. French novel La Plante des Singes by Pierre Boulle. Jerry Goldsmith composed the groundbreaking avant garde score. It was the first in a series of five films made between 1. Koba was an evolved bonobo with a strong hatred for humans, stemming from years of abuse and. Planet der Affen ist ein ScienceFictionFilm aus dem Jahr 1968 von Regisseur Franklin J. Schaffner mit Charlton Heston in der Hauptrolle. Die Handlung basiert auf. It begins in a spaceship carrying four passengers. The skipper, Taylor speaks of how their ship. Malthus.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20081002110643' alt='Planet Of The Apes Wiki' title='Planet Of The Apes Wiki' />Arthur P. Jacobs and released by 2. Century Fox. 3The film tells the story of an astronaut crew who crash lands on a strange planet in the distant future. Although the planet appears desolate at first, the surviving crew members stumble upon a society in which apes have evolved into creatures with human like intelligence and speech. The apes have assumed the role of the dominant species and humans are mute creatures wearing animal skins. WPOTA_Red_CU.png/revision/latest?cb=20170627231824' alt='Planet Of The Apes Wiki' title='Planet Of The Apes Wiki' />The script was originally written by Rod Serling, but underwent many rewrites before filming eventually began. Directors J. Lee Thompson and Blake Edwards were approached, but the films producer Arthur P. Jacobs, upon the recommendation of Charlton Heston, chose Franklin J. Schaffner to direct the film. Schaffners changes included an ape society less advancedand therefore less expensive to depictthan that of the original novel. Filming took place between May 2. August 1. 0, 1. 96. California, Utah and Arizona, with desert sequences shot in and around Lake Powell, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. The films final closed cost was 5. The film was released on February 8, 1. United States and was a commercial success, earning a lifetime domestic gross of 3. The film was groundbreaking for its prosthetic makeup techniques by artist John Chambers6 and was well received by critics and audiences, launching a film franchise,7 including four sequels, as well as a short lived television show, animated series, comic books, and various merchandising. In particular, Roddy Mc. Dowall had a long running relationship with the Apes series, appearing in four of the original five films absent, apart from a brief voiceover, from the second film of the series, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, in which he was replaced by David Watson in the role of Cornelius, and also in the television series. The original series was followed by Tim Burtons remake Planet of the Apes in 2. Rise of the Planet of the Apes in 2. Also in 2. 00. 1, Planet of the Apes was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. Astronauts Taylor Charlton Heston, Landon Robert Gunner, Dodge Jeff Burton and Stewart are in deep hibernation when their spaceship crashes in a lake on an unknown planet after a long near light speed voyage, during which, due to time dilation, the crew ages only 1. As the ship sinks, Taylor finds Stewart dead and her body desiccated. They throw an inflatable raft from the ship and climb down into it before departing the ship, Taylor notes that the date is November 2. Once ashore, Dodge performs a soil test and pronounces the soil incapable of sustaining life. After abandoning their raft, the astronauts set off through a desolate wasteland in hopes of finding food and water before their provisions run out. Eventually, they encounter plant life. They find an oasis at the edge of the desert and go swimming, ignoring eerie scarecrow like figures around the edge of the water. While they are swimming, their clothes are stolen. Pursuing the thieves, the astronauts find their clothes torn to shreds, their supplies pillaged and the perpetratorsa group of humans that are apparently so primitive that they cannot even talk and dressed in torn clothesraiding a cornfield. Taylor is attracted to one of the humans, whom he later names Nova Linda Harrison. Suddenly, armed and uniformed gorillas on horseback charge through the cornfield, brandishing firearms, snares, and nets. They capture some humans and kill the rest. In the chaos, Dodge is shot in the back of the neck and killed, Landon is wounded and rendered unconscious, and Taylor is shot in the throat and taken prisoner. The gorillas take Taylor to Ape City, where his life is saved after a blood transfusion administered by two chimpanzees animal psychologist Zira Kim Hunter and surgeon Galen Wright King. While his throat wound is healing, he is unable to speak. Taylor discovers that the various apes, who can talk and are in control, are in a strict caste system gorillas are police officers, military, hunters and workers orangutans are administrators, politicians, lawyers and priests and chimpanzees are intellectuals and scientists. The apes have developed a primitive society based on the beginnings of the human Industrial Era. They ride horses and have carts, rifles, and even primitive photography. Humans, who are believed by the apes to be unable to talk, are considered vermin and are hunted, either killed outright, enslaved, or used in scientific experiments. Zira and her fianc Cornelius Roddy Mc. Dowall, an archaeologist, take an interest in Taylor, whom Zira calls Bright Eyes. Taylor attempts to communicate by writing in the dirt, but Nova, who has been following him around, attempts to destroy his writing with her hands, not understanding what the words mean. The letters she doesnt destroy are then obliterated by Ziras and Corneliuss superior, an orangutan named Dr. Zaius Maurice Evans. Back in his cage, Taylor steals Ziras pencil and notebook and uses them to write the message My name is Taylor. Zira and Cornelius become convinced that Taylor is intelligent, but upon learning of this, Dr. Zaius orders that Taylor be castrated. Before the castration can occur, Taylor escapes. During his desperate flight through Ape City, he passes through a museum, where he finds Dodges stuffed and eyeless corpse on display. When Taylor is recaptured by gorillas, he overcomes his throat injury and roars Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty apeA tribunal to determine Taylors origins is convened by the president of the Assembly James Whitmore, Dr. Zaius, and Maximus Woodrow Parfrey. Dr. Honorious James Daly is the prosecutor. Taylor mentions his two comrades at this time. The court then produces Landon, who has been subjected to a lobotomy that has rendered him catatonic and unable to speak. After the tribunal, Dr. Zaius privately threatens to castrate and lobotomize Taylor if he does not tell the truth about where he came from. With help from Ziras socially rebellious nephew Lucius Lou Wagner, Zira and Cornelius free Taylor and Nova and take them to the Forbidden Zone, a taboo region outside Ape City that has been ruled out of bounds for centuries by Ape Law. A year earlier, Cornelius led an expedition into the Forbidden Zone that found a cave containing artifacts of an earlier non simian and believed to be human civilization. Samp No Cd Crack Download. The group sets out for the cave to answer questions Taylor has about the evolution of the ape world and to prove he is not of that world. Arriving at the cave, Cornelius is intercepted by Dr. Zaius and his soldiers. Taylor holds them off, threatening to shoot them if he has to. Zaius agrees to enter the cave to disprove their theories and to avoid physical harm to Cornelius and Zira. Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Rise of the Planet of the Apes titulada El origen del planeta de los simios en Espaa y El planeta de los simios REvolucin en Hispanoamrica es una pelcula estadounidense de ciencia ficcin y accin dirigida por Rupert Wyatt, la sptima de la franquicia El planeta de los simios. Fue estrenada en los cines de Estados Unidos el 5 de agosto de 2. De acuerdo con Fox, artsticamente es una nueva versin de la historia y no tiene relacin con la saga El planeta de los simios 1. Tim Burton estrenada en 2. Will Rodman James Franco es un cientfico que trabaja para los laboratorios GEN SYS de San Francisco que ha intentado desarrollar una cura para la enfermedad de Alzheimer al probar un retrovirus genticamente alterado en chimpancs. El virus, llamado ALZ 1. Uno de los sujetos de prueba es una hembra llamada Ojos Brillantes que causa un gran alboroto en el laboratorio, por lo que es abatida. El jefe de Will, Steven Jacobs, David Oyelowo, ordena a su subordinado, Robert Franklin Tyler Labine, que elimine a todos los chimpancs de prueba, pero Franklin descubre el motivo del comportamiento agresivo de Ojos Brillantes la hembra de chimpanc estaba preada y acababa de parir a su cra. Incapaz de matar al pequeo chimpanc, Franklin se lo entrega a Will para que lo cuide en secreto. Will no tarda en descubrir que el pequeo chimpanc, al que llama Csar, ha heredado la gran inteligencia de su madre, y le ensea la lengua de signos para comunicarse con l. Tres aos ms tarde, Will da una muestra de su cura a su padre, Charles John Lithgow, que sufre de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Al principio, su padre se recupera e incluso mejora sus habilidades, pero cinco aos ms tarde, el sistema inmunolgico de su cuerpo lucha contra el virus creando anticuerpos y vuelve a su estado anterior. En su demencia, Charles destroza el coche de Douglas Hunsiker David Hewlett, un vecino muy agresivo que se enfrenta al anciano y lo empuja. Csar, que observa el incidente desde su ventana, sale en defensa de Charles atacando a Hunsiker y provocndole graves heridas. Tras el incidente, el chimpanc es encerrado en una instalacin para primates de San Bruno dirigida por John Landon Brian Cox. Los simios son tratados con crueldad por Dodge Landon Tom Felton, el hijo del director, que trabaja de guardia all. Al principio, Csar es maltratado tanto por el personal como por los otros simios, pero consigue ganarse la amistad de un viejo orangutn llamado Maurice, que conoce la lengua de signos. Una noche, Dodge lleva a sus amigos a su lugar de trabajo y Csar logra robarle su navaja a uno de ellos. Con la navaja, Csar se escapa de su jaula y libera a un gorila llamado Buck, que se convierte en su leal servidor. Al da siguiente, Csar derroca a Rocket, el macho alfa del refugio, con la ayuda de Buck y se convierte en el nuevo lder. Mientras tanto, Will crea el ALZ 1. Al probarlo sobre un bonobo llamado Koba se confirma que la inteligencia de los simios aumenta an ms sin embargo, los cientficos desconocen que el nuevo virus es mortal para los humanos. Franklin queda expuesto accidentalmente al nuevo virus y empieza a estornudar sangre, por lo que va a buscar a Will para advertirle, pero se encuentra por casualidad con Hunsiker y le estornuda en la cara posteriormente Franklin es encontrado muerto en su apartamento. Por su parte, Will intenta inocularle el nuevo virus a Charles para tratar de curarlo sin embargo, en una muestra de lucidez, Charles se niega porque ya no quiere luchar ms, y muere esa misma noche. Will intenta evitar que Jacobs haga ms exmenes antes de continuar con la insercin del virus en ms simios, pero como Jacobs planea continuar, Will dimite. Csar finalmente escapa del refugio para primates y va a casa de Will, donde roba muestras del nuevo virus con ellas no solo aumenta la inteligencia de los otros simios, sino tambin su propia inteligencia. Al da siguiente, se enfrenta a Dodge y, despus de mostrar por primera vez su capacidad de hablar gritndole No, lo electrocuta accidentalmente mojndolo con una manguera mientras l sostiene su bastn elctrico activado. Sin embargo, Csar se arrepiente de lo sucedido, por lo que decide no volver a matar. Los simios escapan y liberan a los primates de los laboratorios de GEN SYS y los del Zoolgico de San Francisco, que se unen a ellos. Los simios consiguen avanzar a pesar de que la polica bloquea el Puente Golden Gate. Jacobs llega en un helicptero con la intencin de matar a los simios, pero Buck se sacrifica para acabar con el helicptero, que se estrella en el puente todos los ocupantes del aparato fallecen, salvo el propio Jacobs. Csar, pero este permite que Koba, quien odia a los humanos, arroje el helicptero al mar. Los simios llegan al bosque de secuoyas del Parque Nacional Muir Woods. Will llega al bosque para advertirle a Csar de que los humanos son fuertes, pero que lo puede proteger slo si regresa a casa. Para sorpresa de Will, Csar le habla al odo, respondindole Csar est en casa. Will acepta su decisin y se marcha, permitiendo que Csar y los dems simios inteligentes hagan del Parque Nacional Muir Woods su nuevo hogar. La ltima escena de la pelcula muestra a Hunsiker en el aeropuerto de San Francisco. Hunsiker, quien es piloto, se dirige hacia su avin mientras estornuda sangre. Durante los crditos se muestra la expansin del virus por todo el mundo. A partir de julio de 2. Vancouver Canad. Efectos especialeseditarA diferencia de las pelculas anteriores de la serie, en las que los simios eran recreados mediante maquillajes, prtesis y disfraces, los simios de esta versin fueron creados y animados por computadora en el seno de la compaa Weta Digital mediante la tcnica de la captura de movimiento. A los actores que encarnaban a los simios se les colocaba unos trajes verdes con marcadores de movimiento. Dichos marcadores enviaban una seal que era registrada por una computadora. Luego, gracias a los puntos de movimiento marcados y registrados en la memoria de la computadora, se reemplazaba la imagen de los marcadores memorizados en el espacio tridimensional virtual por la imagen de los primates, generada ella con un programa 3. D. RecaudacineditarHasta septiembre de 2. Estados Unidos y Canad y adicionalmente 2. Vase tambineditarReferenciaseditarEnlaces externoseditar.

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