RenameDelete the. Enter key to save the extension change. Open the newly renamed. Best Free Shopping Carts Software Companies. Pages format content within Microsoft Word, Office, or Word. Pad Note that you may need to have file extensions visible in Windows to be able to properly change the extension of the pages document. They may need to be made visible first through the Folder Options View Uncheck Hide extensions for known file types You can safely ignore any file extension warning change warning. Thats pretty easy and it works when you dont have another option to either convert the file from pages to. There can be some formatting issues with this approach if the pages doc is particularly complex, so its best used as a last resort when theres no other choice but to work with the file from Windows. This will not work to force open a pages file that has been password protected, however, in that situation, it would need to be unlocked first. This great solution was found on the Microsoft Community, so try it out the next time you or someone you know is struggling in Windows to work with a Pages formatted file created from a Mac. Its usually easier than returning to OS X to change the saved file.