Imr Powder Load Data 243

Imr Powder Load Data 243

But doesnt a smaller internal volume equate to more internal pressure It just seems that if the powder has room to expand into that that is volume that must be. Shooters Guide for. Winchester and 6mm. Win shooting, reloading, and accuracy. Bullets, powder, brass, accurate loads. Rifles and gear reveiws from champions. Sierra 1. 68 gr. Match. King with IMR 4. 06. VARGET rifleshooter. In the days before the 1. Sierra Match. King SMK, the 1. SMK ruled supreme in the 3. Winchester.  Back then it was  sometimes referred to as a heavy match bullet since it was a step up in weight from the 1. Its said that Trail Boss is a fast handgun powder designed for low pressure applications and that it can quickly go over pressure with jacketed bullets e. January 4th, 2016 Updated Hodgdon and IMR Relative Burn Rate Chart. Hey guys, youll probably want to download this new Powder Burn Rate Chart issued by. Experienced loaders will notice that Im using a pistol powder for a rifle load. Which, normally, is a big nono as pistol powders burn much too fast. I actually had a Khales 2. HM inscribed on the turret. Loaded in Federals Gold Medal 3. Law Enforcement Sniper use throughout the world. While it may have fallen out of favor to the 1. Win.  Easy to load and tune, there is good reason the 1. SMK is and was so prolific. The 1. 68 SMK above, left has a fairly conservative ogive and boat tail shape that make it easy to tune. I consider it one of the better options for 3. SMK, 1. 75 TMK, 1. SMK and 1. 85 TMK. Youll often encounter the 1. SMK loaded in Federals Gold Medal Ammunition. This is the standard for factory match ammo. Over the years, Ive never found factory a load that shoots as well in as many guns as this. Having overlooked the 1. SMK in my main 3. I decided it was time to begin working up some loads. The test gun is a custom built Remington 7. Manson 3. 08 Match reamer. Referred to as OD 3. It was built with the following parts from Brownells To learn more about how I built this rifle, take a look at Building a Custom Remington 7. Tactical Rifle. Trying to pick a powder to start load development with for the 1. SMK was a no brainer. Imr Powder Load Data 243' title='Imr Powder Load Data 243' />The obvious choices were IMR 4. Varget.  Ive had great luck with both so I decided to give them both a shot. WARNING The loads shown are for informational purposes only. They are only safe in the rifle shown and may not be safe in yours. Consult appropriate load manuals prior to developing your own handloads. Rifleshooter. com and its authors, do not assume any responsibility, directly or indirectly for the safety of the readers attempting to follow any instructions or perform any of the tasks shown, or the use or misuse of any information contained herein, on this website. Using a overall length gauge, I determined that in my rifle, the the bullet will touch the lands at an overall length 2. For testing purposes I loaded to a generic length of 2. SAAMI maximum is 2. These loads are shown for reference purposes only. Please READ THE DISCLAIMER on this site before proceeding. I headed to the range with my OD 3. Targets were 2 orange dots targets at 1. All shooting was done prone, from a bi pod with a rear bag. The Nightforce 3. All ballistic information was recorded with a Magneto. Speed barrel mounted ballistic chronograph. Temperature was 6. F. I used Lapua brass that had been previously fired 1. To size the brass, I used a Redding Competition Bushing Neck Die with Titanium Nitride bushings. This prevents working too much of the case and has provided me long case life with all of the rifles Ive used these dies for. Primers are Wolf large rifle hand seated with a Sinclair priming tool. For some reason less informed shooters seem to confuse the quality of Wolfs center fire ammunition with the quality of their primers. Russian primers are excellent and Ive found they produce some of my most consistent results with cases that use a large rifle primer. Artikel Software Aplikasi Dan Sistem Operasi Mac. The results are shown below Muzzle velocity ranged from 2,6. Standard deviation ranged from 5. Group sized ranged from. MOA to. 9. 85. MOA with an average group size of. MOA. The 4. 3. 5 gr. IMR 4. 06. 4 group was the smallest at. MOA with a velocity of 2,7. SD of 9. 7 feetsecond. The 4. 4. 5 gr. IMR 4. Five shots into. MOA with a velocity of 2,7. SD of 8. 1 feetsecond. The best Varget group was. MOA, this one was 4 shots I only had 4. Muzzle velocity was 2,7. SD of 5. 3 feetsecond. I had been using the 1. SMK for T and E purposes on test rifles, however, I never spent much time working on load development with them. Turns out I was missing something, these bullets shoot extremely well. Moreover, they seem to be slightly easier to tune than the 1. SMK. The table above compares select loads developed in the test rifle. At shorter distances, the 1. SMK doesnt give up much, especially when hand loaded to a higher velocity. When compared directly to the 1. SMK, the 1. 68 SMK holds its own fairly well out to 6. As far as comparing IMR 4. Varget as powders, I feel IMR 4. It is worth noting that Varget does meter much better and seems to work better in the 6. I load for. Like this postHelp me pay the bills, follow Rifleshooter.

Imr Powder Load Data 243
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