Audit Software Used By Pwc Library

Audit Software Used By Pwc Library

Chicago Chapter ACAMSACAMS Chicago Chapter Double Session Event on 1. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. November 2. 1, 2. Install Adobe Flash Player For Firefox Linux Flash. On November 2. 1, 2. Tuesday morning, the ACAMS Chicago Chapter together with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago will be hosting a double session workshop. The first session will cover Synthetic Drug Mitigating the Risks. The second session covers Clearing the Haze An Update on the Marijuana Industry Key Legal and Regulatory Considerations for Financial Institutions. Session Speaker and Overview Mark Giuffre, Assistant Special Agent in Charge ASAC with the U. S. DOJ Drug Enforcement Administration DEA, will examine the illicit trade in K2, Spice, Synthetic marijuana, bath salts, MDMA, Ecstasy, Synthetic Opioids and Methamphetamine. What are the characteristics of synthetic drugs and what effect do they have Where do synthetic drugs come fromAudit Software Used By Pwc LibraryWhat distinguishes synthetic drug trafficking groups from heroin and cocaine trafficking organizations What are the illicit money flow patterns unique to synthetic drugs In addition, illicit finance trends highlighted in the recently released, 2. National Drug Threat Assessment will be discussed. Session Speakers and Overview Steven Kemmerling, Founder CEO of MRB Monitor, and John Geiringer, Partner and Regulatory Section Leader, Barack Ferrazzano Financial Institutions Group, will discuss how the marijuana industry is evolving and the complex legal and regulatory issues of which financial institutions should be aware as they interact with that growing industry. ACAMS Chicago Chapter Double Session Event on 1. Pw. COctober 3. 1, 2. On October 3. 1, 2. Tuesday morning, the ACAMS Chicago Chapter together with Pw. C will be hosting a double session workshop. Audit Software Used By Pwc Library' title='Audit Software Used By Pwc Library' />The first session presented by Pw. C will discuss how robotics is being applied to AML and what it means for AML Compliance. The second session presented by Accuity will discuss the economic impact of de risking. Speakers. Vikas Agarwal, Pricewaterhouse. Coopers. Michael Lammie, Pricewaterhouse. Coopers. Vikas Agarwal, Principal, Pricewaterhouse. The IASB announced the new leasing standard in January 2016 it comes into effect on 1 January 2019. Leasing is an important financial solution used by many. Figure 1 What are the time, total tax rate and number of payments necessary for a local mediumsize company to pay all taxes Doing Business records the taxes and. Audit Software Used By Pwc Library' title='Audit Software Used By Pwc Library' />Coopers and Michael Lammie, Director, Pricewaterhouse. Coopers will present a topic called Robo. Cop How robotics is being applied to AML and what it means for AML Compliance. They will provide an overview of how some banks are piloting the use of robotics to enhance data gathering, investigations, reporting preparation, and other key AML controls. They will discuss the implications of robotics and what it means for financial institutions of all sizes and their compliance functions. Dr. Henry Balani, Global Head of Strategic Affairs, Accuity. Dr. Henry Balani, Global Head of Strategic Affairs, Accuity will present the following topic The economic impact of de risking the decline of correspondent banking and how banks can thrive from this phenomena. Correspondent banking has seen many challenges over the years. While the number of banks worldwide has grown, the number of correspondent banking relationships have declined. Various factors have been attributed to this phenomenon, driven mainly by the increasing costs of compliance. The impact has been significant, with unintended economic and social consequences on both the respondent bank and the countries affected by this withdrawal. However, there are still opportunities for banks that can manage their KYC and compliance processes effectively. Come learn the strategies banks have used to differentiate themselves from their competitors and benefit from the de risking trend. ACAMS Chicago Chapter Double Session Event July 2. Speakers. Kirk Meyer, Director BSAAML Sanctions, Bank BSA Officer, Discover Financial Services David M. Schiffer, Founder CEO, Safe Banking Systems Software, LLC ACAMS Chicago Chapter Double Session Event on 7 1. Chicago Kent College of Law. July 1. 1, 2. 01. On July 1. 1, 2. 01. Tuesday morning, the ACAMS Chicago Chapter together with the Chicago Kent Institute for Compliance in Financial Markets will be hosting a double session workshop. The first session will discuss effective management of sanction programs in 2. We thank Chicago Kent Institute for Compliance in Financial Markets for hosting this event. Regards,The ACAMS Chicago Chapter Executive Board Chicago. Chapteracams. org. Speakers. Ralph Wright, Principal at Crowe Horwath LLP, Tyler Warner, Senior Manager at Crowe Horwath LLP and Jared Terry, Manager at Crowe Horwath LLP will discuss Effective Management of Sanction Programs in 2. Regulatory trends and sanctions program impact with specific focus on updates to Cuban, Russian and Iranian sanctions. The core components of an effective Sanctions program, highlighting. Sanctions Risk Assessment and its impact to the program. Screening Management, including Technology Vendor Management, Model Tuning Optimization, Model Validation, Screening List Management and Data Management. Investigations Management, including General alert adjudication screening and Peak Volume Management. Documentation Management, including Policy, Procedure and Standards Documentation as well as Reporting. How to build a sustainable sanctions program, leveraging KRIs and KPIs for monitoring, and understanding best practices to continue the evolution of your program. Michael Brown, Vice President of Strategy for CSI Regulatory Compliance will present Whats In A Name Using New Customer Identity Verification Techniques to Create a Single Identity that will include the following Leveraging technology to create and maintain holistic customer identities across your entire compliance ecosystem. Establishing effective risk profiling processes to facilitate real time identity verification for domestic and global customers. Using predictive analytics to manage ongoing customer risk with alerts based on risk attributes and data flows. ACAMS Chicago Chapter Double Session Event on 3 9 1. Chicago Kent College of Law. March 9, 2. 01. 7On March 9, 2. Thursday morning, the ACAMS Chicago Chapter together with the Chicago Kent Institute for Compliance in Financial Markets will be hosting a special workshop examining bitcoin and blockchain technology. The workshop will consist of several lively and interactive panel discussions featuring perspectives from bitcoin entrepreneurs, banks, regulators, and AML compliance professionals. Its been over 8 years since Satoshi Nakamoto released a whitepaper that ultimately launched the multi billion dollar bitcoin and blockchain industry. Yet today, misunderstandings and misperceptions about these innovations persist, even among the most seasoned banker and compliance professional. In that time, weve witnessed wild price swings, regulatory enforcement actions, wholesale de risking, and even debates about the future of banking. Bottom line bitcoin, blockchain, and alternative digital currencies are here to stay. As compliance professionals, we need to stay informed and on top of developments in this exciting and continuously evolving space. We thank Chicago Kent Institute for Compliance in Financial Markets for hosting this event. Speakers. Jennifer ORourke, Illinois Blockchain Business Liaison and the Assistant Deputy Director of the Office of Entrepreneurship, Innovation Technology at the Illinois Department of Commerce. Jonathan Solomon, Co Founder CEO of Digital Mint. Joe Ciccolo, Founder President of Bit. AMLMichael Busch, President of Burling Bank.

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