Active Phase Of The Mjolnir

Active Phase Of The Mjolnir

CEA-MarkV_Render_Front.png/300px-CEA-MarkV_Render_Front.png' alt='Active Phase Of The Mjolnir' title='Active Phase Of The Mjolnir' />The Marvel Cinematic Universe or MCUnote dubbed Earth199999 of the Marvel multiverse is a combined setting produced by Marvel Entertainment and Marvel. Earth199999 is the designated universe number for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a shared. Pour plus de dtails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Avengers Lre dUltron Avengers Age of Ultron est un film de superhros amricain crit et. Active Phase Of The Mjolnir' title='Active Phase Of The Mjolnir' />Robert Reynolds Earth 6. Marvel Database. Gallery Real Name Robert Reynolds Aliases. Void,1 Golden Guardian of Good,2 John Victor Williams,2 Blue Buffoon,2 The Ancient Mariner,3 Golden One4 Base Of Operations. Formerly the Watchtower later on top of Stark Tower, which was built beneath it when all memory of him disappeared Occupation. Adventurer Education. Highschool diploma. Early Years. In 1. Canadas Department K and remnants of the United States Operation Rebirth pooled their resources to become Project Sentry, an attempt to not only recreate the Super Soldier Serum but, in post war hubris, magnify its effects a thousand times over. Unfortunately, within a few years it had been divided nearly a thousandfold itself into isolated sub projects with lab work farmed out to private contractors the overall administration was virtually nil. Precisely where all of its resources ended up over the decades, what they might have begun, and where they ultimately led, is currently unknown. Over ten years later, Robert Reynolds, a meth addict, broke into the laboratory of Professor Cornelius. It was there that he discovered a glowing serum. Consuming the compound, Robert Reynolds gained the power of a million exploding suns. This act killed his partner and the labs guards. He then asked the Professor to make more for himself. Project Sentry, appalled at what their irresponsibility had wrought, persuaded Reynolds to let them test his powers at their facility, but they could not contain him for long, nor curb his desire to use his powers for the greater good of all, and the Sentry debuted before a world that had almost forgotten superhuman Samaritans. After trouncing the school bully who had tormented him, Reynolds sewed together a costume and made his debut as the heroic Sentry. Blender Game Engine Example Download Itunes here. The Sentry was an optimistic and socially accepted hero who stood in marked contrast to the mostly freakish nature of the other heroes. He had connections to Mister Fantastic, Iron Man, the Hulk, Spider Man and Professor X. One of very few super heroes active during the years just prior to the Fantastic Fours emergence, Sentry gained new importance when the new wave of heroes rose to prominence. Almost instantly deducing Spider Mans secret identity, he became a role model for the young hero, as well as an ally to the X Men, an equal to Reed Richards, and a friend to the outcast Hulk. The Sentry even battled Doctor Doom alongside the Fantastic Four and defeated his greatest enemy, the General, with the X Mens aid. During this period, the Sentry married the love of his life, Lindy, and took the young Scout as his sidekick. Lindy got swept up in it all, excited at the prospect of meeting other heroes. She eventually learned of Roberts addiction but did nothing about it. She even feared that taking the serum must have awakened something of biblical proportions. She later stated that she should have killed him on their wedding night. The Void. The arrival of the Void, a shadowy monster that exploited its enemys greatest fears, ended the Sentrys charmed life. The Void nearly killed Scout, drove Hulk into a rampage, and murdered over one million people in Manhattan. Discovering that the Void had been the dark aspect of his own powers, the Sentry teamed with Reed Richards and Dr. Strange to create a system which made Earths entire population including Richards, Strange, and the Sentry forget his existence. With the Sentry inactive and forgotten, the Void vanished. In reality the Void was Reynolds own repressed persona, powered by the Sentrys own powers. The General had captured Reynolds and brought him to mutant illusionist Mastermind, who implanted a mental virus in the Sentrys mind. This virus created delusions that if the Sentry used his powers, a devil would appear, intent on destroying the world. As a subconscious cry for help, Reynolds implanted his memories into the mind of comic book writer Paul Jenkins, who wrote the Sentrys repressed memories into a series of comic books. The Void, Robert Reynolds and the Sentry. Years later, Roberts memories returned, and along with them the Void, who rampaged across Europe, murdering many members of the Super Heroes of Europe SHE. The Sentry contacted his former colleagues, but the only one who recalled their shared history was the Hulk. As the Void returned to Manhattan, the pieces began to fall in place and the Sentrys former friends assembled to defend him and the city. Remembering the dual nature of Roberts powers, Sentry and Reed Richards reactivated the Watchtower, dispelling the Void and making the world forget the Sentry once again. New Avengers. Later, however, Roberts memories of the Sentry again returned, and he demanded to be placed on the Raft, S. H. I. E. L. D. s high security prison for super villains, claiming that he had killed his wife. Lawyers Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson, along with bodyguard Luke Cage and S. H. I. E. L. D. agent Spider Woman, traveled to the Raft to visit the Sentry in order to find out what had happened to him and his wife. Soon after their arrival the supervillain Electro staged a massive jailbreak, freeing almost ninety supervillains who then attacked Murdock, Nelson, Cage and Drew, along with the newly arrived Captain America and Spider Man. During the ensuing melee the group was confronted by the alien symbiote, Carnage. Foggy Nelson, thrown into the cell containing Robert Reynolds, attempted to convince the Sentry to help them. Without saying a word, the Sentry blasted through nine levels of the complex carrying Carnage into space, where he ripped the alien symbiote in half. Inspired by this adventure, the other heroes soon formed the new Avengers, but Sentry vanished before they could invite him to join them. The Sentry stayed in hiding, but remained a person of great interest to S. H. I. E. L. D. and the Avengers, both of whom were fascinated by his powers and worried that they may lead to another Scarlet Witch situation. Sentry the Golden Guardian of Good. Eventually, S. H. I. E. L. D. and the New Avengers confronted the Sentry with several disturbing facts The wife he claimed to have killed was alive, and the only reference in the world that could be found of the Sentry was in comic books, stories invented and written down by the imagination of a comics writer. Unable to face these shocking events, the Sentry fled. Resurfacing as Robert Reynolds at his home, the Sentry was again confronted by the Avengers and S. H. I. E. L. D., along with the Inhumans and the X Men. He cried, saying that he had warned them of the Voids coming and that it was now too late. The group was suddenly attacked by the Void. Robert, along with the help of Emma Frost, discovered that the reason no one remembered him was not because of his own attempts to erase the Void, but because of Masterminds manipulation. With this new found knowledge, the Void disappeared, and Emma Frost resurrected the Sentry. The New Avengers offered him membership, partly to keep an eye on him and partly because they would need his power, which he accepted. The Sentrys headquarters the Watchtower reappeared on top of Stark Tower, where it supposedly had been originally built. Later, Yelena Belova attacked the Avengers and absorbed the Sentrys powers. After Belova defeated each of the Avengers, she was defeated by the manifestation of the Void, which enveloped and incapacitated her. Robot Check. Enter the characters you see below. Sorry, we just need to make sure youre not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies.

Active Phase Of The Mjolnir
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